What We Offer:
Skills for facilitating more productive meetings
Using Gallup's Strengths Finder Tools
Dare to Lead Skill Sets of Courage: Vulnerability and Braving
Harnessing Brain Dominance Indicator: Maximize your Talent by Harnessing Cognitive Diversity
Leading from Inside Out-Enhancing your Leadership Style
What to Expect:
Brave leadership starts with being the executive of yourself you need to know where you are, know where you are going, and what your resources are. This program includes 2 days of workshops where you will experience first- hand how to navigate your first step moving forward and cultivate collaborative, innovative cultures back in your workplace. You will leave with language, tools, and processes that you can immediately apply to level up and hone your leadership skills.
This program will be highly experiential and engaging. Participants can expect to join small group dialogues, large group discussions, paired interviews, simulations, and individual reflection. Activities are designed to help you discover and appreciate the best of what is and focus on what your profession is calling you to be. In addition, participants will learn research - based strategies to improve in- person and on- line meetings as they are given avenues to play and have F.U.N. *
*F.U.N. is a hallmark of the Guarrine Group and refers to meeting people's fundamental universal need. FUN helps increase engagement, creativity, and enhances decision making, while making learning less intimidating more accessible, and memorable
Who Should Attend:
This program is for professional women who are mid to senior level leaders and managers. If you work with others to deliver results, this program is for you.​
Beyond the Conference Experience:
Peer Coaching
One on One Coaching
Check in conversations to continue connecting with others